May 15, 2008

Homecoming 2008

I'm so excited! I looked at the calendar and it'll just be a few months away before we go back to my beloved country. We already made many plans of the things we'll be doing while we're there and with all these plans, I also realized that we need extra cash and start saving.

One of the ways, I thought about to make money is through my blog. I'm so much into blogging now and I'm glad that I could earn through this. Now, I've just joined Bloggerwave and I hope through this, we could save up for our homecoming in the Philippines.


Anonymous said...

wow that's a good plan! hope you can have good vacation in your beloved country!

lareine said...

hi lalaine!... sorry for not visiting you in the past few weeks... i've been kinda busy... but in any case, i'm glad you'll be able to go back and get in touch with the place, the people, the food, the ambiance...

yep, better start planning now so you won't forget anything... enjoy the rest of the week :)

Jan said...

napulo ni sya ka dalar ba. hehehe. congratulations for being part of bloggerwave.

Anonymous said...

Hi! good ad. Does nt look like an ad at all. Great writing!

Ur bloglearner linkie at